Innovating with


Mobile outreach continues to be an increasingly critical way for activists, volunteers, and campaigns to stay connected.

MoveOn’s inhouse Mobile Team used innovative mobile technology—much of which we built ourselves and offered free to other campaigns—to help members communicate, take meaningful action, and contribute to campaigns. In the process, we built and ran one of the biggest texting operations in the country.

In 2018, MoveOn’s volunteer Text Team sent more than

35 million

peer-to-peer text messages


70% of our volunteer sign-ups originated from peer-to-peer texting outreach.

Our volunteer texters did more than just get out the vote in key races; they also helped turn out huge crowds and generate calls to key legislative targets about family separation, health care reform, taxes, and the Supreme Court.

This team uses


Spoke is a peer-to-peer texting platform first developed in 2016, in-housed and open-sourced by MoveOn, and today utilized by national and global progressive partners to help drive winning campaigns.



After the 2016 election, MoveOn formed a partnership with the Resistance startup Daily Action, helping ensure that eager activists were receiving strategic and timely action alert messages regularly throughout the week.

Nearly a million people—one of the biggest SMS advocacy communities in the country now receive regular text alerts from MoveOn.


Mobile outreach has proven to be an effective way to drive meaningful actions. From phone calls to elected representatives, to in-person attendance at local and national events, to volunteering for progressive campaigns across the country, MoveOn’s expansive mobile outreach was a critical piece for all of our work this election.


Resist and Win Training

Our Resist & Win Leaders program trained thousands of local leaders in 2017 and 2018 to organize and train other volunteer activists in communities in 100 target districts across the country. Resist & Win Leaders participated in online training modules and regular video calls to learn new skills, build on old ones, and develop community with one another, and 120 top leaders from 35 states participated in inperson training in August 2018 at MoveOn’s first national member gathering since 2010.


Every Sunday for months leading toward Election Day, tens of thousands of progressive activists joined MoveOn’s massive Resist & Win calls. In total, people participated in the calls more than 250,000 times to plug into our election program. The calls served as a clearinghouse and rallying ground for progressives across the country to learn how to get involved, ask questions, and hear from movement leaders—such as movement leaders Ai-jen Poo and Ana Maria Archila and MoveOn member-endorsed primary winner Rashida Tlaib—and elected Democrats, including Senators Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.