Welcome to the MoveOn Library of Resources!

Explore below to find recorded MoveOn trainings on organizing tactics for electoral and issue campaigns. There’s something for everyone, with toolkits and sessions covering everything from power mapping to combating climate change.

Electoral Organizing


How This Black Woman Won Her City Council Race

Facilitation by:

Durrel Douglas, Voter Mobilization Organizer at MoveOn, with special guest speaker Councilmember Tiffany Thomas


Building political power for our BIPOC communities is so important—but it frequently requires our communities to navigate unique challenges in our day-to-day life. View this session to hear Tiffany Thomas talk about how she won her city council race in Houston, Texas.

Polling Place and Vote Tripling

Facilitation by:

Alfredo Hernandez and Marisa Kanof at Vote Rev


Polling Place Vote Tripling (PPVT) is a get-out-the-vote tactic designed and mainstreamed by in 2020. PPVT canvassers engage voters as they exit the polls and encourage them to remind three friends to vote. This session, led by members of the Vote Rev team, explores how the tactic was developed to streamline the traditional work of canvassing by further mobilizing “non-activist” voters at the polls. In this session, we discuss how to safely integrate PPVT into your existing in-person canvassing programs.