We Won't Go Back

This November, we face a clear choice between a MAGA dictatorship that will take away our freedoms and a future in which we have a say over the decisions that impact our lives, our families, and our democracy. 


Join us to elect Vice President Kamala Harris as our next president and to elect Democrats across the ballot to defend our rights and freedoms against the radical MAGA agenda and Project 2025.

What's At Stake

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Vote Mobilizers are our election program leaders who will drive voter contact efforts in their area and across the country!


MoveOn’s Volunteer Network supports our work year-round. MoveOn Mobilizers and the Community Support Team provide critical assistance to MoveOn’s campaigns.

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Endorsed Candidates

We’re endorsing candidates dedicated to fighting for our freedoms

Millions of MoveOn members across the country have endorsed strong Democratic candidates to stop MAGA Republicans and Trump’s Project 2025 takeover agenda and make progress on critical issues facing the country.


Together, we will send Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to the White House to lead our country, and we’ll get our candidates elected in the House and Senate to safeguard our freedoms and our futures.

We're endorsing candidates dedicated to saving our democracy

Millions of MoveOn members across the country have endorsed strong Democratic candidates to stop MAGA Republicans and Trump’s Project 2025 takeover agenda and make progress on critical issues facing the country.

Together, we will send Kamala Harris back to the White House to lead our country, and we’ll get our candidates elected in the House and Senate to safeguard our freedoms and our futures.

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Trump packed the Supreme Court with right-wing justices and is now bragging about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, which has led to abortion being banned in 14 states and restricted in even more. We are fighting for reproductive freedoms for all people to receive the reproductive health care they need, including access to abortion. Every person should have the right to decide if, how, and when they become a parent. MAGA Republicans promise that if they take over Congress and Trump wins the presidency, they will immediately pass a national abortion ban. Democrats have proven that they will fight to protect and expand reproductive rights and freedoms.


Keeping Vice President Kamala Harris in the White House and Donald Trump out of it is one of the biggest climate decisions we can make. Everyone deserves access to clean air and water, and Harris has fought for the communities most impacted by pollution throughout her career. As a district attorney in San Francisco, she established one of the first environmental justice units in the nation, while as California’s attorney general, she defended critical laws protecting clean air and clean water while holding polluters accountable, including for the Santa Barbara oil spill.


Trump’s climate change denialism lined the pockets of Big Oil and his billionaire donors through tax breaks while millions of Americans were displaced by climate change-driven extreme weather events like wildfires, flooding, and hurricanes. Our votes and our power were instrumental in ensuring that under President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s leadership, more than $53 billion has already been allocated to advance environmental justice, deliver cleaner air, and tackle climate pollution.


Democracy is on the ballot, and we must show up en masse to protect it by electing Democrats up and down the ticket. Democrats are making progress to protect and expand our freedom to vote and get Big Money out of politics. Republicans are plotting to undermine safe and secure elections. Republicans want to protect billionaires and corporate interests and advance their far-right agenda for the few and are willing to take away our rights in the process.

Economic Justice

Economic justice is a pivotal issue that touches every single voter. Rent, food, child care, tuition, and home ownership are more out of reach for everyday Americans as profitable corporations raise prices to benefit their pocketbooks and the bottom lines of their shareholders. Democrats in Congress spent months protecting domestic programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid during the government funding fight, while Republicans spent their time trying to defund these programs.


Trump himself created tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class in 2017. If we elect Vice President Harris to the Oval Office, hold the Senate, and take back the House in November, Democrats can finally pass critical legislation to tax the ultra-wealthy, hold corporations accountable to pay what they owe—just like the rest of us—and continue to invest in our society. 

Gun Violence

In 2023, there were 43,000 deaths caused by guns, and 656 people were killed in mass shootings. The majority of Americans support stronger gun laws—laws that are proven to reduce deaths. But as long as the NRA controls the Republican Party’s priorities, it’s near impossible to pass lifesaving legislation. We must defeat Republicans at the ballot box in November. 


The Biden-Harris administration took decisive action to curb gun violence, passing the Safer Communities Act that closes the gun show background check loophole. By electing Kamala Harris and reelecting Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, we could go even further toward passing comprehensive gun safety laws to protect lives.

Health Care

For years, rising health care costs have been on the top of people’s minds, and they have been a core part of the public’s economic concerns. People want lower costs and better care, no matter where they live or what they look like.


President Biden and Vice President Harris worked to lower prescription drug prices and capped the price of insulin, while Donald Trump would give up Medicare’s power to negotiate lower prices with big drug companies. Donald Trump isn’t representing working families; he’s catering to big corporations and their ultra-wealthy shareholders.


Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans have repeatedly tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare” or “the ACA”), which would rip away health insurance for millions of Americans. President Biden was a chief architect of the ACA that President Obama signed into law on March 23, 2010, which has since become woven into the fabric of our nation. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to lower the cost of health care, a record-breaking 21.3 million Americans signed up for coverage through the marketplaces in 2024.

LGBTQ+ Rights

It’s 2024, and more than 500 anti-gay and anti-trans bills have been introduced just this year. That’s the most bills we’ve seen on record historically (a further uptick from last year’s historic year).


Republicans are going to continue to try to strip our freedoms and bodily autonomy away—from banning abortion, contraception, IVF, and same-sex marriage to trans health care. Trump’s discrimination against LGBTQ+ people while in office is well documented, from creating regulations to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people to stripping back current protections. The Biden-Harris administration has worked to strengthen protections, including Title IX to prevent anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.

Project 2025

Project 2025 is a blueprint for a second Trump administration to impose the MAGA agenda and take away our rights by gutting all checks and balances on the president. The proposed policies would restrict our freedoms, ban abortion and contraceptives, eliminate all progress to stop climate change, slash Social Security and Medicare, gut public education, fire civil servants, and much more. The best way to fight Project 2025 is by voting against MAGA Republicans this November. 


After watching politically motivated rulings come down year after year from the corrupt justices on the MAGA majority Supreme Court, faith in the court is at an all time low.


With the possibility of a number of SCOTUS vacancies in the coming years, we can’t risk having a Republican majority in either the House or Senate who would rubber stamp another partisan appointment to the nation’s highest court. We can restore checks and balances and bring balance to the court by voting out MAGA Republicans in November and gaining control of the House and Senate!