
Here are a few resources from queer-led and allied organizations that focus on protecting and supporting LGBTQ+ folks across the nation. Feel free to use and share these resources with friends and loved ones!

If you are new to LGBTQ+ issues, this will hopefully answer many of your questions. Or, if you have known LGBTQ+ people for years and are looking to find new ways to show your support, you can skim this resource and take what’s relevant to you.

Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative (SNaP Co) is a social justice organization focused on supporting Black and LGBTQ+ folks in Atlanta and “Beyond Visibility” provides a more in-depth understanding of why the Trans community needs political power and empowerment to achieve true liberation.

This toolkit from Advocates for Youth recommends the need for and path to creating safer spaces for LGBTQ+ youth, and talks about the existing disparities in order to provide more comprehensive, competent, evidence-based care and support to the queer community.

As the fight against voter suppression laws continues, knowing your rights can help avoid or solve problems ahead of time. We have the right to vote regardless of how we present. Having an ID that doesn’t match your gender identity or presentation should not affect your right to cast a ballot, in any state. Use this guide to find out what your state’s laws are, what to expect at the polls, and what to do in case your right to vote is challenged on Election Day.he polls. Find out what your state’s laws are, what to expect at the polls, and what to do in case your right to vote is challenged on Election Day.
