The Issues

MAGA Republicans have increased their bigoted attacks on LGBTQ+ rights—with more than 500 anti-gay and anti-transgender laws introduced in states and in Congress this year alone.

If Republicans take control of the Senate, keep the House and win the White House, they will continue their end goal to eradicate queer people from society. Together we can elect leaders who will protect and defend our rights and freedoms. Read on to learn how Democrats are fighting for our futures in contrast to Republicans who want to silence us. We cannot let that happen.




Gender-Affirming Care & Access to Health Care

Democratic-led states have enacted expanded protections for gender-affirming care in CA, MD, MN, NM, and CO in recent years in defense of our bodily autonomy.

Democratic lawmakers have been linking protections for abortion and gender-affirming care together across the country. Attacks against the LGBTQ+ community are attacks against all of us in the struggle for bodily autonomy against the GOP.1Minnesota to join at least 4 other states in protecting transgender care this year. (2023, April 21). NPR.


Republicans have made it even harder for LGBTQ+ people—particularly transgender folks—to access health care. More than half of U.S. states have enacted laws restricting medical care for transgender youth and, in some cases, adults.2Republican efforts to restrict trans health care endure in 2024. AP news. (2024, January 11).

Title IX

The Biden administration revised Title IX regulation to explicitly protect against LGBTQ+ discrimination in public schools and higher education that receive federal funding.3Biden Administration releases revised title IX rules. (2024, April 19). The New York Times.


Republicans have been pushing anti-trans bans and targeting LGBTQ+ students who compete in, or otherwise seek to join athletic teams.4Biden Administration releases revised title IX rules. (2024, April 19). The New York Times.

Marriage Equality

Democrats championed and passed the Respect for Marriage Act to enshrine marriage equality into federal law, repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, and bar state officials from denying full faith and credit to out-of-state marriages on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin.5Here’s which senators voted for or against the Respect for Marriage Act. (November 29, 2022). The Washington Post.


157 House Republicans shamefully voted against it. Republicans routinely vote against legislation that tries to establish civil protections for LGBTQ+ couples.6Here’s which senators voted for or against the Respect for Marriage Act. (November 29, 2022). The Washington Post.

Anti-LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Democrats continue to fight for progress, attempting to pass the Equality Act twice since 2018. This landmark legislation would extend the protections of the Civil Rights Act to LGBTQ+ Americans, barring discrimination in employment, education, access to credit, jury service, federal funding, housing, and public accommodations.7Democrats reintroduce equality act amid pride month. (2023, June 21). The Hill.


Republicans continue to wage an all-out assault on the safety and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community—from targeting trans children in Texas to bullying LGBTQ+ students in Florida.8Democrats reintroduce equality act amid pride month. (2023, June 21). The Hill.
