Tammy Baldwin

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Tammy Baldwin for Reelection to the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin!

Meet Tammy Baldwin

Tammy Baldwin was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and raised by her grandparents after her mother struggled with mental illness and addiction. Her grandfather was a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, and her Nana was a talented seamstress and head costume designer in the UW Theater Department. At nine, Tammy faced a serious illness, spending three months in the hospital. The insurance companies’ refusal to cover her due to a “pre-existing condition” profoundly impacted her future work in healthcare reform.

Public Service and Legislative Achievements

Tammy attended public schools, graduated from Madison West High School, and went on to Smith College to study government and mathematics. After college, she worked on pay equity issues before attending the University of Wisconsin Law School. During law school, Tammy was elected to the Dane County Board of Supervisors, where she played a key role in chairing the Dane County Task Force on AIDS.

In 1998, Tammy made history by becoming Wisconsin’s first female member of Congress and the first openly gay non-incumbent elected to Congress. In the House, she fought for healthcare reforms that allowed young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26 and protected people with pre-existing conditions. Tammy also worked across party lines, passing legislation to support blinded veterans and expand access to cancer screenings for women.

Senate Career and Current Bid for Congress

In 2012, Tammy Baldwin continued to break barriers by becoming Wisconsin’s first female Senator and the first openly LGBTQ+ Senator in history. As a Senator, she has championed “Buy American” rules, fought against unfair trade deals, and protected healthcare for millions of Americans. Her efforts include passing the Respect for Marriage Act, ensuring protections for same-sex and interracial marriages.

Now, Tammy is running for re-election to continue her fight for Wisconsin families. Despite being targeted by corporate interests and mega-donors, Tammy remains committed to holding powerful entities accountable and ensuring that Washington works for Wisconsin—not special interests. She stands as a tireless advocate for the people, determined to keep fighting for a better future.

Katrina Shankland

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Katrina Shankland for Congress!

Meet Katrina Shankland

Katrina Shankland is a lifelong Wisconsinite, raised by public school teachers who taught her the importance of taking action. She has consistently delivered for Wisconsin throughout her career, working to improve the lives of her constituents.

Katrina Shankland’s Career and Legislative Achievements

Katrina first ran for State Assembly to give a voice to those who share Wisconsin values of fairness, opportunity, and community. In the Legislature, she has passed bipartisan legislation during every session, co-authoring and co-sponsoring 225 bills that were signed into law. Her legislative achievements include increasing access to affordable healthcare in rural areas, protecting first responders from reckless drivers, launching programs to remediate and replace contaminated wells, and helping farmers improve water quality. Katrina’s dedication to finding middle ground with both parties has led to significant improvements for Wisconsin residents.

Katrina Shankland’s Personal Life

Katrina and her husband, Jed, both graduated from UW-Stevens Point and live in Stevens Point with their dogs, Stitch and Lyra. They enjoy outdoor activities, exploring the Green Circle Trail, visiting local breweries and distilleries, and soaking in Wisconsin’s bluegrass music scene. Their love for the community and its vibrant culture reflects their commitment to the state.

Katrina Shankland’s Bid for Congress

Katrina Shankland is running for Congress to bring common sense to the nation’s capital. She aims to fight against extremism and work diligently for the people she serves, ensuring that representatives act in the best interest of their constituents rather than special interests. Katrina’s proven track record of delivering commonsense results for Wisconsin demonstrates her capability and readiness to represent her district effectively in Congress. Her campaign focuses on addressing key issues such as healthcare, public safety, environmental protection, and economic opportunity, with a commitment to bipartisan collaboration and practical solutions.