Janelle Bynum

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Janelle Bynum for Congress!

About Janelle Bynum

Janelle Bynum, a mother of four and small business owner, knows her community well and works diligently for its betterment. Her commitment to public service and community development is deeply rooted in the values instilled by her parents, who were both teachers. They taught Janelle that education is the key to creating a better and safer world, a principle she has lived by throughout her life.

Janelle Bynum’s Personal Life and Career

Growing up in an inner-city neighborhood in Washington, DC, Janelle faced the threat of drug violence but remained focused on her education. She earned scholarships and worked hard to achieve her academic goals, ultimately earning a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Today, Janelle lives in Happy Valley with her husband, Mark, and their children. She operates her family’s small business, running four restaurants in the community. In these businesses, Janelle continues to embody the ideals taught to her early in life, mentoring her employees, providing scholarships for their education, and encouraging them to dream big.

Janelle Bynum’s Accomplishments as State Representative

Janelle’s dedication to public service extends to her role as a State Representative, where she has been a fierce advocate for her constituents. She has worked hard to lower the cost of prescription drugs, protect women’s reproductive freedom, safeguard LGBTQ+ rights, build more affordable housing, and address homelessness. Additionally, Janelle has taken on the climate crisis and sought to create pathways for all young people to succeed, whether through a four-year degree or career and technical education. Her willingness to stand up to anyone to ensure the well-being of Oregonians is a testament to her unwavering commitment to public service.

Janelle Bynum’s Bid for Congress

Janelle Bynum is running for Congress to continue her dedication to her community on a larger scale. Her campaign is focused on making Oregon a place where everyone can thrive. She aims to bring her experience as a small business owner and state legislator to the national stage, ensuring that every Oregonian has the opportunity to succeed. Janelle’s priorities include affordability, equity, and sustainable development. Her vision for the future includes a thriving economy, a protected environment, and a community where education and healthcare are accessible to all.

Andrea Salinas

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Andrea Salinas for Congress!

Meet Andrea Salinas

Andrea Salinas proudly represents Oregon’s 6th Congressional District, dedicated to fighting for the best interests of Oregonians in Congress. Believing in generational change, she draw inspiration from her own family’s journey from humble beginnings to achieving the American Dream.

Personal Background

Salinas’ father immigrated from Mexico in 1950, working in fields before joining the military and serving two tours in Vietnam. He later became a police officer, providing a middle-class life for the family. Andrea, taught the value of hard work by her parents, worked through college and became the first in the family to earn a degree.

Commitment to Family and Community

Motivated by the birth of their daughter 19 years ago, Salinas dedicated themselves to shaping a stronger, more equitable future. This determination drove them to fight for accessible, affordable, quality healthcare, including passing progressive reproductive health care policies in Oregon. Salinas also championed raising the minimum wage and passing progressive paid family leave legislation.

Andrea Salinas’ Legislative Achievements

In Congress, Salinas introduced and passed significant legislation, such as holding Big Pharma accountable, which led to lower prescription drug prices. She has consistently worked on the frontlines to level the playing field for all families, ensuring that the American Dream remains within reach.

Andrea Salinas’ Bid for Congress

Running for a second term, Andrea Salinas believes in the power of the American Dream and the potential for generational change. She is committed to providing families with the tools and freedoms needed to overcome today’s challenges and create a better future. Proud of her achievements alongside their family, Salinas vows to continue fighting for a brighter future for her daughter, her generation, and every family in Oregon. She hopes to continue building on her Congressional legacy by fighting for OR-06 families who are, like Salinas, trying to achieve the American Dream.