Adam Frisch

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Adam Frisch for Congress!

Meet Adam Frisch

Adam Frisch is a Western Slope business owner, family man, former city council member, and candidate for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district. Understanding rural Colorado communities, Adam has driven over 50,000 miles visiting every county in the district. He is committed to promoting Colorado water, energy, and jobs.

Adam Frisch’s Personal Background

Adam’s early years were spent on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana, where his father worked as a doctor. He grew up working on his family’s 4th generation cattle trading, grain elevator, and farm supply store. Adam graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in economics and later worked in international finance, gaining experience in global economies and interest rates.

Rural Roots and Experience

Having worked on his family’s farm, Adam understands the needs of rural, working-class Americans, often overlooked by Washington decision-makers. His firsthand experiences of extremism, being in the World Trade Center during the 1993 bombing and working in Manhattan during 9/11, shaped his views on the dangers of extremism.

Public Service

Adam began his public service as the chair of Pitkin County’s Financial Advisory Board from 2005 to 2011. From 2011 to 2019, he served on his local City Council, focusing on affordable housing and supporting small businesses. Known as a problem solver and consensus builder, Adam also became a part-time substitute teacher during COVID-19 to support local education.

Adam Frisch’s Bid for Congress

Adam is running for Congress to bring real leadership to Colorado’s 3rd district. In 2022, he nearly defeated Rep. Lauren Boebert, coming within 546 votes. Adam’s campaign focuses on finding common-sense solutions that prioritize Colorado’s needs. His background in economics and business, combined with his commitment to community service, equips him to grow local economies and help families in CO-3 thrive.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Dr. Yadira Caraveo for Congress!

Meet Dr. Yadira Caraveo

Dr. Yadira Caraveo, a pediatrician, legislator, and advocate for middle- and working-class families, was inspired by her parents’ dream of a better life. Her parents emigrated from Mexico to Colorado, where they raised their four children with strong values of hard work and community.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo’s Personal Life

Dr. Caraveo grew up in Adams County, attended public schools, earned her degree from Regis University, and completed medical school at the University of Colorado. Living close to her parents, Dr. Caraveo enjoys large family gatherings filled with love, support, and lively conversations. Her upbringing and community roots deeply influence her commitment to public service.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo’s Legislative Achievements

As a state legislator, Dr. Caraveo quickly gained a reputation for taking on tough fights. She passed significant legislation, such as capping insulin prices, expanding preschool funding, ensuring paid family leave, protecting renters during the pandemic, and combating toxic pollution. Her dedication to improving the lives of her constituents has been evident through her persistent efforts to address critical issues affecting Colorado families.

Dr. Yadira Carveo’s Bid for Congress

Now in Congress, Dr. Caraveo continues her commitment to Colorado families. She fights against special interests, works to lower costs, and supports bipartisan efforts to expand the Child Tax Credit and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Dr. Caraveo also focuses on combating the fentanyl epidemic with tougher penalties and enhanced trafficking prevention. Additionally, she works to increase transparency in hospital pricing and improve healthcare access for all.

Dr. Caraveo’s drive to create a more equitable future stems from her experiences as a doctor and legislator. She is dedicated to lowering healthcare costs, addressing the high cost of housing, combating climate change, and protecting a woman’s freedom to choose. Every day in Congress, Dr. Caraveo is guided by the values of hard work, dedication, and service that her parents instilled in her. She remains committed to fighting for a better future for all Colorado families.