Ruben Gallego

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Ruben Gallego for Election to the U.S. Senate in Arizona!

Meet Ruben

Ruben Gallego, the son of Colombian and Mexican immigrants, was raised by a single mother in modest conditions. Growing up in a small apartment with his three sisters, Ruben and his family faced financial hardship, often sleeping on the living room floor. Despite these challenges, he worked various jobs, including at a pizza place, construction sites, and a meat-packing plant, to support his family.


His hard work and determination earned him a place at Harvard University, where he balanced academics with multiple part-time jobs to finance his education. After graduating, Ruben enlisted in the Marine Corps. His deployment to Iraq, where he experienced intense combat and significant casualties, deeply impacted him. This experience drove him to pursue a career in public service, committed to ensuring that military personnel are well-supported and that military actions are well-planned.

Bid for Congress

Ruben Gallego’s transition to politics was fueled by his desire to make a tangible difference. In Congress, he has championed the needs of hardworking Arizona families. He is dedicated to reducing the financial burden on Arizonans by addressing the high costs of essentials such as gas, groceries, rent, and healthcare. His background of financial struggle gives him a unique perspective on these issues.


As a member of Congress, Ruben has been a strong advocate for small businesses and veterans. His service on the Armed Services Committee, where he is the highest-ranking Latino, underscores his commitment to national security. Ruben’s leadership is marked by his focus on both immediate relief for constituents and long-term national security.


Ruben resides in South Phoenix with his wife Sydney, their son Michael, and daughter Isla. His personal and professional experiences drive his commitment to improving the lives of Arizonans and supporting the broader community.

Kirsten Engel

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Kirsten Engel for Congress!

Early Life and Education

Kirsten Engel learned the importance of community service and environmental protection early on. She graduated with honors from Brown University and Northwestern University’s School of Law. Her early career included positions at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she observed the significant influence of bureaucratic red tape and corporate lobbyists.

Personal Life

Kirsten is married to Scott Saleska, a climate scientist at the University of Arizona. They enjoy Arizona’s hiking trails and jogging on the Rillito during weekends. Their daughter, Helene, recently started college. Kirsten’s commitment to her community and environment reflects in her professional and personal life, driving her congressional campaign to bring positive change to Arizona.

Professional Career

Kirsten specialized in environmental and administrative law, filing an amicus brief in the first U.S. Supreme Court case recognizing greenhouse gas emissions’ impact on climate change. She also fought for lead-paint hazard warnings and managed a brownfield renovation program. Kirsten has taught at Tulane, Harvard, and currently at the University of Arizona, where she co-directs the Environmental Law Program.

Kirsten Engel’s Legislative Career

Kirsten’s involvement in her daughter’s school made her aware of the Arizona Legislature’s underfunding of education, motivating her to run for the State House. As a legislator, she fought against education cuts, advocated for affordable community colleges, and promoted workforce development programs. She also protected water supplies, clean energy, and pursued criminal justice reforms. Kirsten opposed attacks on abortion and voting rights, standing up for democracy.

Kirsten Engel’s Bid for Congress

Kirsten is running for Congress to ensure access to affordable healthcare and protect the environment. She aims to support Arizona families and small businesses, fostering an economy with opportunities for everyone. In Washington, Kirsten will continue her advocacy for quality education, clean energy, and democratic rights.