Laura Gillen

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Laura Gillen for Congress!

Early Life and Education

Laura Gillen grew up in Baldwin, New York, where she volunteered at South Nassau Communities Hospital and Camp Anchor. Her passion for public service was ignited during her time at Georgetown University as a George Baker Scholar, emphasizing leadership and community service. After graduating, Laura volunteered with GMHC during the height of the AIDS epidemic, advocating for those affected by the disease. Her dedication led her to Kolkata, where she worked with St. Mother Teresa.

Laura Gillen’s Personal Life

Laura Gillen is dedicated to her community, continuing to live in Hunterdon County, Lambertville. Her lifelong commitment to public service and her extensive experience in law and local government make her a strong candidate for Congress, poised to bring positive change to New York families.

Professional Career – Laura Gillen

Laura Gillen attended Georgetown Law Center and NYU School of Law, becoming a litigator at Cahill Gordon & Reindel, LLP, where she represented domestic violence victims pro bono. She later joined the Westerman firm in Nassau County. In 2017, Laura became the first Democrat elected as Hempstead Town Supervisor in 112 years, managing a $500 million budget. She focused on reducing waste, corruption, and taxes, making the government more transparent and accountable.

Accomplishments as Hempstead Town Supervisor

As Hempstead Town Supervisor, Laura revitalized infrastructure, addressed public water contaminants, and passed legislation on sexual harassment and veterans’ benefits. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she volunteered with All Hands and Hearts, distributing PPE to local entities. Laura’s leadership extended to her role as an adjunct professor of law at Hofstra University.

Laura Gillen’s Bid for Congress

Laura is running for Congress to address the challenges faced by New York families, aiming to keep families safe, grow the economy, and make Nassau County an affordable place to live and raise a family. She plans to bring her experience in local government to the national stage, focusing on transparency, accountability, and community service. Laura’s campaign has garnered endorsements from labor unions, former Representatives Steve Israel and Carolyn McCarthy, EMILY’s List, and local leaders.

Andrea Salinas

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Andrea Salinas for Congress!

Meet Andrea Salinas

Andrea Salinas proudly represents Oregon’s 6th Congressional District, dedicated to fighting for the best interests of Oregonians in Congress. Believing in generational change, she draw inspiration from her own family’s journey from humble beginnings to achieving the American Dream.

Personal Background

Salinas’ father immigrated from Mexico in 1950, working in fields before joining the military and serving two tours in Vietnam. He later became a police officer, providing a middle-class life for the family. Andrea, taught the value of hard work by her parents, worked through college and became the first in the family to earn a degree.

Commitment to Family and Community

Motivated by the birth of their daughter 19 years ago, Salinas dedicated themselves to shaping a stronger, more equitable future. This determination drove them to fight for accessible, affordable, quality healthcare, including passing progressive reproductive health care policies in Oregon. Salinas also championed raising the minimum wage and passing progressive paid family leave legislation.

Andrea Salinas’ Legislative Achievements

In Congress, Salinas introduced and passed significant legislation, such as holding Big Pharma accountable, which led to lower prescription drug prices. She has consistently worked on the frontlines to level the playing field for all families, ensuring that the American Dream remains within reach.

Andrea Salinas’ Bid for Congress

Running for a second term, Andrea Salinas believes in the power of the American Dream and the potential for generational change. She is committed to providing families with the tools and freedoms needed to overcome today’s challenges and create a better future. Proud of her achievements alongside their family, Salinas vows to continue fighting for a brighter future for her daughter, her generation, and every family in Oregon. She hopes to continue building on her Congressional legacy by fighting for OR-06 families who are, like Salinas, trying to achieve the American Dream.

Katrina Shankland

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Katrina Shankland for Congress!

Meet Katrina Shankland

Katrina Shankland is a lifelong Wisconsinite, raised by public school teachers who taught her the importance of taking action. She has consistently delivered for Wisconsin throughout her career, working to improve the lives of her constituents.

Katrina Shankland’s Career and Legislative Achievements

Katrina first ran for State Assembly to give a voice to those who share Wisconsin values of fairness, opportunity, and community. In the Legislature, she has passed bipartisan legislation during every session, co-authoring and co-sponsoring 225 bills that were signed into law. Her legislative achievements include increasing access to affordable healthcare in rural areas, protecting first responders from reckless drivers, launching programs to remediate and replace contaminated wells, and helping farmers improve water quality. Katrina’s dedication to finding middle ground with both parties has led to significant improvements for Wisconsin residents.

Katrina Shankland’s Personal Life

Katrina and her husband, Jed, both graduated from UW-Stevens Point and live in Stevens Point with their dogs, Stitch and Lyra. They enjoy outdoor activities, exploring the Green Circle Trail, visiting local breweries and distilleries, and soaking in Wisconsin’s bluegrass music scene. Their love for the community and its vibrant culture reflects their commitment to the state.

Katrina Shankland’s Bid for Congress

Katrina Shankland is running for Congress to bring common sense to the nation’s capital. She aims to fight against extremism and work diligently for the people she serves, ensuring that representatives act in the best interest of their constituents rather than special interests. Katrina’s proven track record of delivering commonsense results for Wisconsin demonstrates her capability and readiness to represent her district effectively in Congress. Her campaign focuses on addressing key issues such as healthcare, public safety, environmental protection, and economic opportunity, with a commitment to bipartisan collaboration and practical solutions.

John Mannion

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse John Mannion for Congress!

Meet John Mannion

John Mannion, rooted in Central New York, traces his family’s history back to his grandparents’ immigration from Ireland a century ago. Mannion’s father worked at the New York Central Railroad for 42 years, and his mother at the New York Telephone Company. Both John and his spouse, Jen, have dedicated nearly 30 years to teaching, deeply ingrained in the community where they raised their children.

John Mannion’s Career in Education

With a strong commitment to education, Mannion served as an AP Biology and Chemistry teacher at West Genesee and the Syracuse City School District. Frustrated by declining funding and challenging state government decisions, he decided to run for the State Senate to effect change. John Mannion’s tenure as a public-school science teacher shaped their perspective on the importance of supporting education and community development.

John Mannion’s Achievements in State Senate

Elected to the State Senate, John Mannion has a proven record of bipartisan collaboration and impactful legislation. Mannion led the effort to pass the Green Chips legislation, instrumental in bringing Micron to Syracuse, promising 60,000 new high-paying jobs. He also accelerated middle-class tax cuts and provided property tax relief, aiding families in saving money. Additionally, John established the first new police department in New York in half a century at Syracuse airport, enhancing safety and accommodating future growth. His legislative achievements also include protecting women’s rights to make personal healthcare decisions.

Bid for Congress

John Mannion aims to extend his service to Congress, representing Central New York and the Mohawk Valley. Mannion emphasizes the need for a representative who prioritizes the region’s needs and collaborates across party lines to achieve meaningful outcomes. Mannion’s congressional agenda includes creating well-paying jobs, reducing costs for working families, supporting veterans, improving public safety, ensuring world-class education, and upholding women’s rights. Drawing on their success in the State Senate, he pledges to continue delivering results for their community in Congress.

Adam Gray

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Adam Gray for Congress!

Meet Adam Gray

Born and raised in Merced, Adam Gray worked in his family’s dairy supply and feed store. During the Great Recession, he decided to be part of the solution by running for the State Assembly, where he represented Merced and Stanislaus Counties for a decade, starting in 2012.

Adam Gray’s Legislative Career

In the State Legislature, Adam championed bipartisan, commonsense solutions. He led the New Democratic Caucus and founded the California Problem Solvers Caucus, addressing critical issues like homelessness, the pandemic, and drought.

Adam Gray’s Water Rights Advocacy

Adam led the fight against the State Water Grab, organizing significant rallies and passing legislation to block harmful initiatives. His efforts resulted in nearly $3 billion for new water storage, $200 million for canal repairs, and $60 million for groundwater basin support.

Adam Gray’s Healthcare and Public Safety Initiatives

To address the shortage of doctors, Adam secured over $200 million for a joint medical school at UC Merced and UCSF-Fresno, enrolling its first class in 2023. He also passed legislation to extend rural health clinic hours. During Merced County’s peak murder rate, he secured $4.5 million for a gang violence reduction program, resulting in significant arrests and ammunition seizures. Additionally, he passed laws to curb catalytic converter theft and increase penalties for shoplifting rings.

Adam Gray’s Infrastructure and Economic Contributions

Adam secured $400 million to extend the ACE train to Modesto and Merced, and passed legislation to protect funding for county fairs and FFA programs. He also increased tax credits for small businesses and eliminated the Tractor Tax on farm equipment before his election to the Legislature.

Adam Gray’s Bid for Congress

Adam Gray has consistently fought and delivered for the Valley, prioritizing community needs over partisan politics. If elected to Congress, he will continue this dedication. The 13th Congressional District includes all of Merced County and parts of Stanislaus, Madera, Fresno, and San Joaquin counties. Adam lives in the district, runs a small business, actively fights against the Water Grab, and teaches a class on the Legislature at UC Merced.

Lanon Baccam

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Lanon Baccam for Congress!

Meet Lanon Baccam

Lanon Baccam, a combat veteran and dedicated public servant, has strong ties to rural Iowa. His parents emigrated from Laos in 1980 and worked at the Mackay Envelope factory. Born and raised in Mt. Pleasant, Lanon enlisted in the Iowa National Guard at 17 to serve his state and country.

Lanon Baccam’s Personal Life and Military Service

In response to the 9/11 attacks, Lanon served in Afghanistan in 2004 as a combat engineer with the Iowa National Guard. His responsibilities included explosive demolitions and force protection in Kandahar. After his military service, Lanon utilized the GI Bill to attend Drake University, furthering his education and preparing for a career in public service.

Lanon Baccam’s Professional Career

Lanon’s career in public service began at the USDA, where he worked under former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack. His efforts focused on supporting veterans, expanding job opportunities in the agriculture sector, and promoting training and entrepreneurship for veterans transitioning to agricultural careers. He played a pivotal role in implementing bipartisan investments, such as expanding rural access to high-speed internet, which created good-paying jobs and reduced costs for American families.

Contributions and Achievements

Lanon’s work at the USDA also involved enhancing programs that benefited rural communities and veterans. He was instrumental in expanding pathways to employment in the agriculture industry and supporting training initiatives. His dedication to improving the lives of veterans and rural Americans earned him recognition and respect within the community.

Lanon Baccam’s Bid for Congress

Lanon Baccam is running for Congress to ensure that all Iowans have the opportunities his family received. His campaign focuses on creating good-paying jobs, ensuring affordable healthcare, protecting women’s reproductive freedoms, and providing a dignified retirement for all. As a veteran, public servant, and father, Lanon is committed to representing Iowans effectively in Washington. He believes in working across party lines to achieve meaningful results for his constituents.

Lanon Baccam’s Vision for Iowa

Lanon envisions an Iowa where everyone has access to the American Dream. He aims to address the rising cost of living, enhance economic opportunities, and invest in rural and Native American communities. His dedication to public service and his personal experiences drive his commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of Iowans. Lanon Baccam is determined to fight for the rights and well-being of all his constituents in Congress.

Angela Alsobrooks

Angela Alsobrooks, a lifelong Marylander, was born and raised in Prince George’s County. From a young age, she learned to care for her neighbors and give back to her community, inspired by her great-grandmother’s words to “go farther and do better.”

Early Career and Education

Angela Alsobrooks felt an early calling to public service. She graduated from Duke University and the University of Maryland School of Law. She worked as a law clerk in the Howard County Circuit Court and the Baltimore City Circuit Court. She then became the first full-time Assistant State’s Attorney to handle domestic violence cases in Prince George’s County. Angela Alsobrooks held various roles in county government before making history as the youngest and first woman elected as Prince George’s County State’s Attorney.

Leadership as State’s Attorney

As the county’s top law enforcement officer, Alsobrooks stood up for families. She tackled some of Maryland’s worst criminals while treating both victims and the accused with dignity and respect. During her tenure, violent crime dropped by 50 percent. She established a pioneering unit to investigate and prosecute police and official misconduct.

Achievements as County Executive

In 2018, Angela Alsobrooks was elected Prince George’s County Executive. She became the first woman and the first Black woman to hold the position in Maryland history. In this role, she focused on creating jobs and growing economic opportunities. She invested in education and broke ground on 10 new schools. She also expanded access to healthcare, mental health, addiction treatment, and youth outreach. Angela Alsobrooks ensured community safety through these initiatives.

Commitment to Maryland Families

Raising her daughter in Upper Marlboro, Alsobrooks understands the needs of Maryland families. She believes Marylanders deserve a Senator who fights for them and shares their concerns. Angela Alsobrooks is running for Senate to be a voice for families like those she grew up with and has dedicated her life to serving. Vote for Angela Alsobrooks to ensure strong, compassionate, and effective leadership for Maryland.

Andy Kim

MoveOn is proud to endorse Andy Kim! His life in public service has been fueled by his parents’ journey which brought them to America to seek a better life. They overcame polio and famine to build a life in the U.S. that is bound by service to their community as a PhD scientist and nurse, respectively. Honoring the values his parents shared with him, Kim sought federal office to serve his community. As a member of Congress representing New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, he has been a steadfast force for protecting our environment, fighting for reproductive rights, and battling the affordability crisis in this country.


Kim’s campaign is motivated by a desire to restore integrity and trust in government, especially in the wake of corruption charges against a sitting senator. As a husband, father, and public servant, Kim is championing the values and opportunities that underpin the American dream for all families across New Jersey.


Here are just a few reasons some local MoveOn members like you are supporting Andy Kim in his bid for U.S. Senate in New Jersey:

“He has been a strong supporter of our democracy and women’s and veterans’ rights. I fully endorse him and will vote for him in the NJ primary in June.” –Maureen M.

“Andy Kim has proven himself to be a responsive and committed public servant … and a wonderful human being.” –Evalyn G.

“Andy Kim is extremely qualified for the position. He is a generous human and knowledgeable about the political system in NJ. He visits with constituents and is available to us! We need someone of his quality in the Senate!” –Nina T.


MoveOn is proud to endorse Andy Kim in the New Jersey Democratic primary for U.S. Senate! Click below to learn about Andy Kim and why he’s running in the U.S. Senate Democratic primary in New Jersey. 

Summer Lee

Making history as the first Black woman elected to Congress in Pennsylvania was just the start; Congresswoman Lee has been a force for growth and change in her district.


Within her first year in federal office, Congresswoman Lee brought back over $1 billion to the district, a historic investment into the city of Pittsburgh’s crumbling infrastructure. In addition to the influx of capital that is revitalizing aging infrastructure, Summer Lee has brought back more than $550 million to increase access to affordable housing and good-paying union jobs.


It is clear that Congresswoman Lee is a harbinger for change who represents everybody, including the most vulnerable in her district.


If reelected, Congresswoman Summer Lee will continue to champion critical interventions needed so that we can reimagine our criminal justice system, ensure unions for every worker, raise wages, and build a future rooted in social, environmental, racial, and economic justice.


Here are just a few reasons some local MoveOn members are supporting Summer Lee in her reelection bid:

“Summer is the real deal. She has always stayed true to her values and fought for the most vulnerable communities among us. I really love how she shows up for her district and represents the changing face of the Democratic Party.” –Kirsten W.

“She is doing a great job at addressing our local and national issues, helping bring several hundred millions of dollars for Southwestern Pennsylvania.” –Gary M.

“She has integrity, unlike many of our current politicians, and has always had a true progressive platform. She’s a fighter, she’s a winner, and we need her representation in Congress.” –Leslie S.


Her determination for expanding healthcare access, reforming the education and criminal justice system, are some of the many reasons MoveOn is proud to endorse Summer Lee for reelection! 


If you’re interested in volunteering, donating, or learning more make sure to click learn more below.