Sherrod Brown

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Sherrod Brown for Reelection to the U.S. Senate in Ohio!

Meet Sherrod Brown

Sherrod Brown was born and raised in Mansfield, Ohio, where he witnessed firsthand how corporate interests and unfair trade deals negatively impacted local workers. This experience shaped his lifelong commitment to fighting for Ohioans and advocating for the “Dignity of Work,” a principle influenced by Pope Leo XIII and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Sherrod believes that everyone, regardless of their job or background, deserves to see their hard work pay off.

Career and Legislative Achievements

Throughout his career, Sherrod has consistently stood up against corporations and special interests to protect Ohio workers. He has been a vocal opponent of unfair trade deals, including NAFTA, and has not hesitated to challenge his own party to defend Ohio jobs. Sherrod’s work in the Senate has been marked by his ability to work across party lines, passing significant legislation that holds corporations accountable, takes on Big Pharma, and ensures that the economic system is fairer for everyone.

Personal Life

Sherrod lives in Cleveland with his wife, Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and author. The couple proudly drives Jeeps made by union workers in Toledo and are dedicated to supporting American labor. They have a close-knit, growing family with three daughters, a son, eight grandchildren, and two rescue dogs, Franklin and Walter.

Current Bid for Senate

Sherrod Brown is running for re-election to continue his fight for Ohioans. His campaign is centered on the belief that the Dignity of Work should be a reality for all Americans. Sherrod remains committed to opposing unfair trade deals, protecting workers’ rights, and holding powerful corporate interests accountable. With a proven track record of working across the aisle, he is focused on delivering results that improve the lives of working families in Ohio. Sherrod’s dedication to his state and his unwavering fight for the people who make it work are the driving forces behind his re-election campaign.

Bob Casey Jr.

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Bob Casey Jr. for Reelection to the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania!

Meet Bob Casey Jr.

Bob Casey, born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, carries the values of hard work and perseverance to his role in the U.S. Senate. His commitment to leveling the playing field for working families drives his public service, making him a champion for Pennsylvanians.

Bob Casey Jr.’s Service in PA

Bob believes public service is a trust and works across the aisle to deliver results. He fights for infrastructure, stands up to China, and works to lower costs for families. One of the most effective members of the Senate, he’s introduced and passed numerous bipartisan bills.

Fighting for Workers and Families

Shaped by his family’s history, Bob fights for coal miners, saves workers’ pensions, and holds corporations accountable for price-gouging. He also combats China’s unfair practices and the spread of fentanyl in communities.

Championing for Vulnerable Communities

Bob has dedicated his career to protecting vulnerable groups, including children, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. He passed the ABLE Act, capped insulin costs for seniors, and championed the PACT Act for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.

Bob Casey Jr.’s Personal Life

Bob, a Scranton native, lives with his wife Terese in the home where they raised their four daughters. Representing Pennsylvania in the Senate has been his honor, and he is proud to continue fighting for the state he loves while enjoying being “Bomba” to his two grandsons.

Why Bob Casey Jr. Must Be Reelected

Bob Casey Jr. has consistently demonstrated his dedication to Pennsylvanians through his bipartisan leadership and tangible results. He has fought to protect workers, save pensions, and hold corporations accountable. His work for vulnerable groups, including veterans, children, and seniors, highlights his deep compassion and effectiveness. With a proven record of passing critical legislation, such as lowering insulin costs and expanding disability rights, the Senator is uniquely equipped to continue advocating for the needs of all Pennsylvanians. Reelecting him means ensuring steady, experienced leadership that delivers real results.

Ruben Gallego

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Ruben Gallego for Election to the U.S. Senate in Arizona!

Meet Ruben

Ruben Gallego, the son of Colombian and Mexican immigrants, was raised by a single mother in modest conditions. Growing up in a small apartment with his three sisters, Ruben and his family faced financial hardship, often sleeping on the living room floor. Despite these challenges, he worked various jobs, including at a pizza place, construction sites, and a meat-packing plant, to support his family.


His hard work and determination earned him a place at Harvard University, where he balanced academics with multiple part-time jobs to finance his education. After graduating, Ruben enlisted in the Marine Corps. His deployment to Iraq, where he experienced intense combat and significant casualties, deeply impacted him. This experience drove him to pursue a career in public service, committed to ensuring that military personnel are well-supported and that military actions are well-planned.

Bid for Congress

Ruben Gallego’s transition to politics was fueled by his desire to make a tangible difference. In Congress, he has championed the needs of hardworking Arizona families. He is dedicated to reducing the financial burden on Arizonans by addressing the high costs of essentials such as gas, groceries, rent, and healthcare. His background of financial struggle gives him a unique perspective on these issues.


As a member of Congress, Ruben has been a strong advocate for small businesses and veterans. His service on the Armed Services Committee, where he is the highest-ranking Latino, underscores his commitment to national security. Ruben’s leadership is marked by his focus on both immediate relief for constituents and long-term national security.


Ruben resides in South Phoenix with his wife Sydney, their son Michael, and daughter Isla. His personal and professional experiences drive his commitment to improving the lives of Arizonans and supporting the broader community.

Jacky Rosen

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Jacky Rosen for Reelection to the U.S. Senate in Nevada!

Meet Jacky Rosen

Jacky Rosen, the granddaughter of immigrants and daughter of a World War II veteran, grew up in a working-class family. She was the first in her family to graduate from college, working multiple jobs, including as a cocktail waitress at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, to support herself. Jacky later became a computer programmer in Southern Nevada but stepped away from her career to care for her aging parents and in-laws. Before entering politics, she was a community leader in Henderson and served as president of her synagogue.

Political Career

In 2016, Jacky ran for Congress, successfully flipping a competitive Republican-held district. Two years later, in 2018, she ran for the U.S. Senate and became the only Democratic challenger that year to unseat a Republican incumbent, making her the second woman Senator in Nevada’s history. Jacky is currently the only Jewish woman serving in the Senate.

Jacky Rosen’s Senate Achievements

During her first term in the Senate, Jacky has earned recognition as one of the most bipartisan, independent, and effective Senators. She has consistently worked across party lines, passing laws to rebuild Nevada’s infrastructure and protect veterans exposed to toxic burn pits. Jacky has supported increased funding for border security and law enforcement, and has worked to expand technical training programs and apprenticeships for Nevadans seeking good-paying jobs.

Jacky Rosen’s Track Record

Jacky is running for re-election to continue her fight for Nevada families. She has taken on powerful special interests to lower costs for essential goods and services, including capping the cost of insulin at $35 per month and enabling Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. Jacky is also addressing Nevada’s housing crisis, pushing for more affordable housing, and tackling price gouging by major corporations. Her priorities include addressing the state’s doctor and nursing shortage, protecting reproductive rights, supporting veterans, and advocating for comprehensive immigration reform. Jacky remains committed to standing up for hardworking Nevadans and delivering results that improve their lives.

Tammy Baldwin

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Tammy Baldwin for Reelection to the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin!

Meet Tammy Baldwin

Tammy Baldwin was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and raised by her grandparents after her mother struggled with mental illness and addiction. Her grandfather was a biochemist at the University of Wisconsin, and her Nana was a talented seamstress and head costume designer in the UW Theater Department. At nine, Tammy faced a serious illness, spending three months in the hospital. The insurance companies’ refusal to cover her due to a “pre-existing condition” profoundly impacted her future work in healthcare reform.

Public Service and Legislative Achievements

Tammy attended public schools, graduated from Madison West High School, and went on to Smith College to study government and mathematics. After college, she worked on pay equity issues before attending the University of Wisconsin Law School. During law school, Tammy was elected to the Dane County Board of Supervisors, where she played a key role in chairing the Dane County Task Force on AIDS.

In 1998, Tammy made history by becoming Wisconsin’s first female member of Congress and the first openly gay non-incumbent elected to Congress. In the House, she fought for healthcare reforms that allowed young adults to stay on their parents’ insurance until age 26 and protected people with pre-existing conditions. Tammy also worked across party lines, passing legislation to support blinded veterans and expand access to cancer screenings for women.

Senate Career and Current Bid for Congress

In 2012, Tammy Baldwin continued to break barriers by becoming Wisconsin’s first female Senator and the first openly LGBTQ+ Senator in history. As a Senator, she has championed “Buy American” rules, fought against unfair trade deals, and protected healthcare for millions of Americans. Her efforts include passing the Respect for Marriage Act, ensuring protections for same-sex and interracial marriages.

Now, Tammy is running for re-election to continue her fight for Wisconsin families. Despite being targeted by corporate interests and mega-donors, Tammy remains committed to holding powerful entities accountable and ensuring that Washington works for Wisconsin—not special interests. She stands as a tireless advocate for the people, determined to keep fighting for a better future.

Adam Frisch

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Adam Frisch for Congress!

Meet Adam Frisch

Adam Frisch is a Western Slope business owner, family man, former city council member, and candidate for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district. Understanding rural Colorado communities, Adam has driven over 50,000 miles visiting every county in the district. He is committed to promoting Colorado water, energy, and jobs.

Adam Frisch’s Personal Background

Adam’s early years were spent on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana, where his father worked as a doctor. He grew up working on his family’s 4th generation cattle trading, grain elevator, and farm supply store. Adam graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in economics and later worked in international finance, gaining experience in global economies and interest rates.

Rural Roots and Experience

Having worked on his family’s farm, Adam understands the needs of rural, working-class Americans, often overlooked by Washington decision-makers. His firsthand experiences of extremism, being in the World Trade Center during the 1993 bombing and working in Manhattan during 9/11, shaped his views on the dangers of extremism.

Public Service

Adam began his public service as the chair of Pitkin County’s Financial Advisory Board from 2005 to 2011. From 2011 to 2019, he served on his local City Council, focusing on affordable housing and supporting small businesses. Known as a problem solver and consensus builder, Adam also became a part-time substitute teacher during COVID-19 to support local education.

Adam Frisch’s Bid for Congress

Adam is running for Congress to bring real leadership to Colorado’s 3rd district. In 2022, he nearly defeated Rep. Lauren Boebert, coming within 546 votes. Adam’s campaign focuses on finding common-sense solutions that prioritize Colorado’s needs. His background in economics and business, combined with his commitment to community service, equips him to grow local economies and help families in CO-3 thrive.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Dr. Yadira Caraveo for Congress!

Meet Dr. Yadira Caraveo

Dr. Yadira Caraveo, a pediatrician, legislator, and advocate for middle- and working-class families, was inspired by her parents’ dream of a better life. Her parents emigrated from Mexico to Colorado, where they raised their four children with strong values of hard work and community.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo’s Personal Life

Dr. Caraveo grew up in Adams County, attended public schools, earned her degree from Regis University, and completed medical school at the University of Colorado. Living close to her parents, Dr. Caraveo enjoys large family gatherings filled with love, support, and lively conversations. Her upbringing and community roots deeply influence her commitment to public service.

Dr. Yadira Caraveo’s Legislative Achievements

As a state legislator, Dr. Caraveo quickly gained a reputation for taking on tough fights. She passed significant legislation, such as capping insulin prices, expanding preschool funding, ensuring paid family leave, protecting renters during the pandemic, and combating toxic pollution. Her dedication to improving the lives of her constituents has been evident through her persistent efforts to address critical issues affecting Colorado families.

Dr. Yadira Carveo’s Bid for Congress

Now in Congress, Dr. Caraveo continues her commitment to Colorado families. She fights against special interests, works to lower costs, and supports bipartisan efforts to expand the Child Tax Credit and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Dr. Caraveo also focuses on combating the fentanyl epidemic with tougher penalties and enhanced trafficking prevention. Additionally, she works to increase transparency in hospital pricing and improve healthcare access for all.

Dr. Caraveo’s drive to create a more equitable future stems from her experiences as a doctor and legislator. She is dedicated to lowering healthcare costs, addressing the high cost of housing, combating climate change, and protecting a woman’s freedom to choose. Every day in Congress, Dr. Caraveo is guided by the values of hard work, dedication, and service that her parents instilled in her. She remains committed to fighting for a better future for all Colorado families.

Will Rollins

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Will Rollins for Congress!

Meet Will Rollins

Will Rollins, a former federal prosecutor specializing in counterterrorism and counterintelligence in Southern California, is running for Congress. Coming from a family of both Republicans and Democrats, he aims to address ongoing threats to democracy and fight corruption, countering the extremism and divisiveness exacerbated by Ken Calvert’s record.

Legal Career

After attending Dartmouth and Columbia Law School, Will clerked for two federal judges in California. As an Assistant U.S. Attorney, he tackled white-collar crime, including prosecuting a Ponzi scheme organizer and a corrupt physician. Later, he joined the National Security Division, prosecuting significant cases like the export of missile guidance microchips to China, violations of U.S. sanctions on Iran, an attack at the Port of Los Angeles by a QAnon follower, and insurrectionists from the January 6th Capitol attack.

Southern California Roots

Will’s grandparents, WWII veterans, started a small business in Southern California that still operates today, manufacturing parts for U.S. fighter jets and commercial aircraft. Growing up, Will saw the effects of government-sponsored discrimination on all Americans, our economy, and national security. At a time when being gay was a crime in some states, he considered enlisting in the military after 9/11 but was deterred by “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Instead, Will found his path in counterterrorism through law enforcement, inspired by his parents—his mother a public defender and his father a journalist—who instilled the importance of justice and free speech.

Will Rollins’ Bid for Congress

Will Rollins is running for Congress to serve California’s 41st district. He believes in bringing justice and accountability back to Washington. He seeks to end toxic divisions, combat corruption, and ensure that Congress works for the benefit of working families. Will’s commitment to public service is driven by the values his family instilled in him and his experiences as a federal prosecutor. He aims to represent his district with integrity and a focus on improving the lives of his constituents, advocating for a government that truly serves its people.

Eric Sorensen

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Eric Sorensen for Congress!

Meet Eric Sorensen

Born and raised in Rockford, Eric Sorensen has deep roots in the community. His family cherished outdoor activities, like floating down the Kishwaukee River, a tradition they still continue. Influenced by his grandfathers, who served in WWII, he learned the value of service from a young age.

Eric Sorensen’s Personal Life

Currently, Eric lives in Moline with his partner, Shawn, and their two dogs, Oliver and Petey. They enjoy biking, kayaking, and exploring the culinary scene in the Quad Cities and surrounding areas.

Value of Hard Work

As a child, Eric was terrified of storms, but “TV Eric,” the local weatherman, helped him feel safe. Inspired, Eric Sorensen became the Chief Meteorologist at WREX in Rockford at age 27. He started Project Tornado, educating 50,000 students about severe weather safety. After 11 years, Eric moved to Moline and spent seven years delivering weather to the Quad Cities.

Serving the Community

Eric came out during college at Northern Illinois University and received tremendous support from friends and family. However, he faced discrimination in his first job in Texas. His experiences in Rockford and the Quad Cities were different, allowing him to be openly gay on TV. He served on the boards of Clock, Inc and The Project of the Quad Cities, connecting vulnerable individuals to health services.

Eric Sorensen’s Bid for Congress

For 22 years, Eric served as a weatherman, dedicated to keeping the community safe and informed. His commitment to protecting the community stems from values instilled by his family. As a meteorologist, Eric Sorensen’s role was always about safeguarding neighbors. Now, Eric Sorensen is running for Congress to continue this mission, ensuring the well-being and safety of his community. Eric Sorensen aims to protect the values of service, hard work, and community safety that he has championed throughout his career.

Gabriel Vasquez

MoveOn is Proud to Endorse Gabriel Vasquez for Congress!

Meet Gabriel Vasquez

Gabriel Vasquez grew up in Ciudad Juarez and New Mexico, spending time in his grandfather’s TV repair shop. This experience highlighted the importance of cross-border connections for families and businesses. He believes that Congress needs representatives who prioritize New Mexican families over partisan politics to strengthen the 2nd district’s economy.

Personal Life and Community Involvement

For over a decade, Gabe has dedicated himself to public service. In 2013, after building a successful startup in Las Cruces, he joined Senator Heinrich’s staff. There, he addressed issues for businesses, communities, and families. He played a key role in protecting the Organ Mountains Desert Peaks National Monument from harmful development.

Elected to the Las Cruces City Council in 2017 with over 70% of the vote, Gabe secured investments to improve parks, infrastructure, and create jobs. He also developed a plan to lift families out of poverty. His roles have included executive director of the Las Cruces Hispano Chamber of Commerce, public lands conservation advocate, and policy advocate for child welfare.

Addressing Economic Challenges

Gabe has seen the American Dream slipping away for many New Mexicans due to rising living costs, limited economic opportunities, and a tax code favoring the wealthy. He has also noted the lack of investment in rural and Native American communities and the tendency of politicians to prioritize Wall Street donors over their constituents.

Gabriel Vasquez’s Bid for Congress

Gabe is running for Congress to champion working families and build an inclusive economy. He aims to create high-quality jobs, address the rising cost of living, ensure affordable healthcare, combat climate change, and conserve public lands to boost the outdoor recreation economy. Gabe is committed to fighting for all New Mexicans to ensure they have opportunities to raise happy, healthy families and pass on their traditions. He is determined to represent New Mexico’s interests in Congress and deliver meaningful results.