Ben and Jerry

( the people, not
the corporation )

proudly present a

new flavor



Get Your Fudging Money Out of My Democracy!

Samantha Bee Wants Money Out of Politics (and Ice Cream)

Can one pint of ice cream fix our democracy? Maybe!

Get Your Fudgin’ Money Out of My Democracy was created to trick you into learning about money in politics while you eat sweet, sweet ice cream.

Maple ice cream, salted walnuts, salted almonds, chocolate coins, and ONE BIG FOIL COVERED COIN THAT YOU NEED TO REMOVE.

This ice cream is for everyone: Republicans, Democrats, Independents, the Maple Nut Party, which we just made up. No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, money enables lobbyists, corporations, and rich dicks to stop our government from working fairly! So eat this ice cream and then take a stand! But not too fast. You’ll get brain freeze.

And the best part is we're giving it away for free!

See, you can do things without money.

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Cooking Up A Decent Democracy

Find out more about how Ben and Jerry are working with MoveOn to elect progressive champions this year.